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Bread of Angels


What is Bread of Angels?

Bread of Angels (BoA) is a small group exploring what it means to live a Christian Life in the world in which we find ourselves.  BoA is an integral part of adult Faith Formation and an element of CEC Sunday School.  As a small group, BoA is part of the fellowship of Parish Life.

BoA is not Bible study or a short course in theology, although we may find ourselves drawing on those resources from time to time.  BoA is being anchored in the baptismal covenant and especially those few phrases to which we reply, “I will, with God’s help.”  (BCP: pp 304-5)


Who can be part of Bread of Angels?

Bread of Angels is open to adults of all ages.  You will need a curious and open mind, appreciating that people will bring differing views and experiences to the table.  We will expect you to share your thoughts and ideas.


What is expected of participants?

Participants undertake weekly reading and reflection, coming together to dialogue and learn from each other with a willingness and openness to be changed by our shared experiences.  Our readings are provided by the Parish.  If you prefer a digital version, you can purchase it on Kindle. 

 You will want a notebook or journal of some kind.  We each tend to have our own approach to note taking, so find something – paper or tablet – that works for you.


When & where do we meet?

9:00 in the Conference Room.  You may attend in person or using Zoom. 

We will adjourn between 9:45 and 9:50.

Plan on a minute to pray and get started and a few minutes to close.  Typically our meetings can be counted on to create an intense, thought provoking 45 minutes.

Bread of Angels meets year-round.


I still have questions...

Check out this more in-depth FAQ, or email Mike Harper, the convener. 


Current and Past Books

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