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Faith Formation at
Christ Church


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Children and Youth Faith Formation

Children's Christian education, commonly known as spiritual formation, is a foundation upon which a lifetime of Christian discipleship is built. At Christ Church, our aim is to foster a relationship with God through worship, education, and creative artistic reflection. Through programs engaging children creatively, intellectually, and spiritually, each child will grow to have a deeper understanding of God, themselves, and how to carry that understanding into the community and world.


Clink here to learn more about Children's Faith Formation at Christ Church.

Youth Faith Formation


Bread of Angels

Bread of Angels is an adult forum founded at CEC nearly 20 years ago as a “book club with a theological bend.”  By thoughtful reading and dialogue, participants focus on what it means to be a Christian in the time in which we now live.  We meet at 9:00 AM in the conference room and are open to everyone.  To learn more about BoA and to sample our current and projected “library,” please click here. All are invited.

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Conversations with Scripture

This Spring, this class will discuss "the depth and drama of the fourth gospel" - the Gospel of John. We will use John for Normal People by Jennifer Garcia Bashaw as our study guide. Facilitating discussion is David Kem and the class meets in the All Saints Room at 9am on Sundays. It's a great place to become involved in adult Sunday School at Christ Church, all are welcome to participate in this ongoing open discussion, or maybe just listen in.

CEC 101

This class is held in the Spring over the course of several weeks for new members or for parishioners who want to explore the church more deeply.  This clergy-led class is especially intended for adults considering Confirmation.


Education for Ministry


Education for Ministry (EfM)  is far more than a study of scripture or theology. It is an opportunity to discover, or rediscover one's self and how you can put faith into action. During weekly class meetings, our small groups share and listen to each other and are challenged to consider all kinds of topics from multiple perspectives: theological, personal, and cultural. A significant commitment is made by each participant to study and attend our class meetings in this four-year program. The reward for that commitment is the creation of deep and lasting relationships supporting us on our individual journeys to carry out God’s purpose. Christ Episcopal Church supports two EfM groups which meet on Monday mornings or Monday evenings from late August until May.

Christ Episcopal Church

1215 State Street

Bowling Green, KY 42101

Church Office:  270-843-6563

Church Office Hours: M - W  9:00am - 4:30pm, Th 9:00am - 1:00pm

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