Youth Ministry at Christ Church serves youth, and empowers youth to serve others . Every Christian is a minister by virtue of their baptism, no matter their age, and our goal is to help equip our young ministers to do God's work.
Sunday School
The Youth Sunday school class uses Godly Play to explore biblical stories and spiritual growth. Classes will meet in the Adult Library room (previously the 4th-5th grade classroom).
Episcopal Youth Community
Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) is a place where junior and senior high youth can experience faith, fun, and fellowship together. The goal is to allow each young person to
Gather together with God and one another,
Grow in faith and develop their personal strengths and unique gifts, and
Give of themselves as all Christians are called to do.
EYC achieves these goals by meeting together for a mix of fun activities, faith development, and outreach missions.
EYC youth can explore and engage in meaningful conversations and questions. This year EYC meets once or twice a month on Sundays after the 10am service from 11am-1pm. Lunch will be provided.
If you have any questions or you'd like to volunteer to help with EYC, please contact
Kate Cline:
Upcoming Activities
March 5: Ash Wednesday
March 5: Eastertide Celebration
Sunday School
Teachers: Ms. Janet, Mr. Justin

EYC News
EYC will meet once or twice a month on Sundays after the 10am service.
We have a great group of volunteers leading EYC this year!
February 23: EYC 11-1